Weekly Reflections for May 22, 2022

He is risen as He said!  Alleluia!  Alleluia!

Over the past five weeks, we have celebrated the great feast and season of Easter with lavish decorations, exuberant Alleluias, sprinkling with holy water, uplifting hymns, and gospels that astound us with the wondrous words and deeds of Jesus among his disciples after his resurrection from the dead. 

All of the sights, sounds, smells, and experiences of the Easter season are designed to lift our hearts and minds to God and fill us with joy.  And this joyful connection to God is not intended to fade away with the close of the Easter season.  We are an Easter people, clothed with Christ at our Baptism, empowered by the Holy Spirit at our Confirmation, and nourished by the Body of Christ every time we receive Holy Communion.

For us, every Sunday is a “little Easter.”  Every Sunday we gather to celebrate the Eucharist – the commemoration of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  Every Sunday, we rest from our labors and take some time to enjoy the good things provided to us by our loving God.

While it is true that, as we journey through the liturgical year, the Church utilizes the opportunity when we are gathered together on Sunday to instruct us in all the aspects of God’s interaction with his people, every Sunday is still considered a cause for joy because we know the rest of the story.  Jesus overcame the temptations, the hatred, the betrayal, even the grave.  Jesus rose triumphant on the third day and, as a result, nothing will ever be the same. 

Even during the somber season of Lent, Sundays don’t “count” as part of Lent.  There are 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday.  The 40 days of Lent are all the days that aren’t Sundays. 

Sunday is the day that Jesus proved his divinity by conquering death once for all.  It is cause for great rejoicing!  Let us always keep holy the sabbath through joyful celebration of God’s awesome, saving love for us. 


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