Within the Baltimore Archdiocese, FACTS is the preferred tuition management service for financial assistance. Every family will need to register and pay through FACTS by means of a credit card, bank account, or processing checks that are transmitted to a secure processing center using electronic funds transfers, or EFT. The online registration process is simple and convenient. You can do the following with FACTS: arrange for a single payment, arrange for monthly payments, or arrange for semi-annual payments.

The financial commitment and sacrifice families make when choosing to send their kids to a Catholic school are recognized and valued. While families should bear the primary responsibility for funding their children’s education, the Archdiocese of Baltimore and each parish contribute a sizeable amount of money annually to financial aid initiatives to support families. As a result, our pastorate communities gain access to children who might not otherwise be able to attend.

The cost of education is compared to a family’s income level to determine eligibility for tuition assistance, which is based only on need and is not reimbursed. An impartial third party (FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment) is utilized to determine how much a family can afford to contribute to the educational costs of its student or students. The following will determine how the money is allocated: current recipients of financial aid; and the financial needs of a family. After FACTS determines the family’s eligibility this information will be used at the pastorate to determine tuition assistance through the parish.

In order to receive financial support from the parish, a family must meet the following requirements in addition to being registered at Prince of Peace, Edgewood, or St. Francis de Sales: a Tuition Assistance form from the school where their child(ren) is enrolled, actively involved in church life, and in good standing with the parish. Every year families must repeat the process in order to be considered.