Weekly Reflections for June 26, 2022

Farewell & Welcome
People come into our lives for but a moment or for a lifetime. However, their effect has less to do with the length of time they are with us as opposed to the impact they have on us. That can be said of Msgr. Richard Woy or as he would prefer, “Fr. Rick.” While only here for a little over a half year, Fr. Rick has left an indelible mark on the faith life of our parishes. His actions and words embodied the example of Jesus and the writings of St. Francis de Sales. Like the saint, Fr. Rick has coupled his deep faith in Christ with its practical application to our daily lives. An experienced and very capable administrator, he never lost sight that his most important duty was that of the pastoral leader of his flock. Msgr. Woy accomplished both goals with an attentive ear and clear direction.

The result made us better parishes and better people. Yet, as Catholics, we are acutely aware that priests, like the
seasons, leave to make way for new ones. So, while this weekend we take a moment to thank Fr. Rick for all that he
has given us as a parish and as individuals, next weekend we will welcome Fr. John Martinez and look forward to his time with us as our pastoral leader. Two men of different backgrounds and experiences, both share a common commitment to service in the name of our Lord.

Let us pray for both men and asked for God’s blessing on them in their future endeavors. May they be endowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit as they continue their ministry and spread the Good News to everyone they encounter. May we keep Fr. Rick and Fr. John in our prayers as we continue to grow our parishes in faith and take solace in the words of St. Francis de Sales. ”The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.”

  • Patrick Perkins