Weekly Reflections for April 16, 2023

Seeing God in Spring

Spring is in the air; and signs of God are everywhere!

When I see the first robin of Spring, it always takes me by surprise.  And it always fills me with hope.  Hope that the warmer weather is on its way.  Hope that the new life of Spring will soon burst forth.

Just like the robin itself, the feeling of hope that the robin engenders is a gift from God.  Hope helps to get us through the tough times.  Hope reminds us that God is good; He loves us; and he has wonderful things planned for our future.

One of my favorite things about Spring is the fact that the daylight lasts a little longer every day.   The increased light gives me energy and lifts my spirits.  The longer days remind me of Jesus – the light of the world.  Just as the light of the sun drives away the darkness of the winter, so Jesus, the light of the world, drives away the darkness of sin with the light of his mercy and forgiveness.  Freed from the burden of sin, I have renewed energy and light-heartedness.

In Spring, the daffodils and crocuses break through the cold, hard earth to bring color back to the world.  The trees start to come back to life beginning with the yellow forsythia bushes, followed by the white Bradford pears, the pink flowering cherries, the azalea bushes, dogwood trees, and magnificent magnolias.

The return of life and color remind me of Jesus rising from death in the cold, hard tomb to new and eternal life.  The variety of the flowering trees shows forth the awesome creativity of their Creator; and the timing involved showcases the gift that God gives us as Spring extends over several months.  

Every Spring, God puts on a show for us to give us hope, to lift our spirits, and to invite us to partake ever more deeply in the new and eternal life that Jesus won for all of us.

Just look around you – the signs are everywhere!

Kathy Foehrkolb


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