St. Francis de Sales Pastoral Council
Meeting Minutes
JULY 26, 2016
Attendees: Sylvia Brokos. Sally Raphel, Rob Hardy, Iris Hernandez, Susan Gallagher, William Bankert, Deacon Jim Sullivan, Fr. Jaime Garcia and Fr. Jack Ward.
Absent: Erin Perkins, Carolyn Webster, Mary Ann Palmer, Alice Long, Kathy Glover and Julie Lindner, Ray Traube.
Order: Deacon Jim Sullivan brought the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Opening Prayer: The Embracing Our Mission – Shaping our Future prayer was said by all.
Approval of Minutes: Deferred until next meeting as we lacked a quorum.
PARISH UPDATE Fr. Jack did not provide an update as Kathy Robinson and Larry Shannahan were invited to speak to the Council.
MINISTRY REPORTS: Only the Service report was provided and is attached. No oral reports were given.
Outreach—saw 177 clients, distributed 173 food bags and provided monetary assistance to 81 families during June. 82 casseroles were collected for Our Daily Bread.
Summer Gathering:
Kathy Robinson reported that there was not much for her to do as people were bringing their own food and we were not requesting advance registrations. Various people offered her assistance with set up and clean up. There was a reminder to bring tape to use on the white table covers. Discussion was held on whether or not to have music and it was decided not to have music. Finally, there was a reminder to label plates/containers for any food items brought to be shared,
Then, on behalf of the Knights, Larry Shannahan stated that it was their intention to provide hot dogs and hamburgers for about 300 people. After discussion, he also offered to provide rolls and condiments. Bottled water also will be provided. As we had originally decided to have the Knights only cook food brought by parishioners, Fr. Jack agreed to do a pulpit announcement and Deacon Jim will see that the change is mentioned in the bulletin.
Deacon Jim suggested that Kilduff Hall be opened to allow people to escape the heat and to use the restrooms. He also suggested that we have a firm ending time of 2:00 PM.
Larry Shannahan had asked to speak to the Council about the work that the Knights do and how it benefits the parish. He also wanted to discuss more parish assistance with bingo.
Larry explained that the Knights are able to support the parish through their many activities including bingo, 50-50 (each generates about $900), Ravens’ kiosk for 10 games (generates $800/game), dues, chowder sales, spaghetti dinner, pancake breakfasts, and the car raffle. Among the activities supported by the Knights are SFDS outreach, Trunk or Treat, Family Ice Skating, annual Christmas party, NCYC retreat, Birthright and senior housing on Abingdon Road. Additionally, they raised about $4,000 for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease through their dinner. They also provide 9 scholarships to students attending Catholic High Schools and Colleges.
Upcoming events are the golf tournament on August 22nd; the Lady Knights will have a bingo and“Paint a Slate.” They are considering programs on suicide prevention and advice on advanced directives for Catholics.
Larry requested that we encourage more people/groups to assist with the bi-weekly bingos. He said that we need about 5 people to assist at each bingo. People are needed in the kitchen, as runners and to clean up. Iris Hernandez mentioned that the Latino community may be able to staff one bingo per month.
Larry also announced that Fr. Jack had requested that Larry head a new committee to discuss evangelization within and outside the parish. He discussed this briefly and Fr. Garcia stated that he and Angie Rebbert also were planning a trip to the Grotto on September 10th and to the MD Women’s’ Catholic Conference on October 7th-9th. There was some general discussion on evangelization and other social activities.
GOOD OF THE COUNSEL: Nothing discussed.
We would like to congratulate our local Father Maurice J. Wolfe Knights of Columbus council on their designation as the best Knights of Columbus council in the state. We are so blessed to have such a great council integrated with our parish!
The council would like to congratulate The Shadow Players on their successful run of “What Happened at Fulton Square.” We look forward to their next presentation!
During the month of June, St. Francis Outreach helped 177 clients, distributed 173 bags of food and gave financial assistance to 81 families. Our Daily Bread contributed 82 casseroles which is a fantastic number for summer.
Closing Prayer: Sylvia Brokos led us in the closing prayer.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Sylvia Brokos
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Sylvia Brokos
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