Worship Center Anniversary
Next weekend we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the dedication of the Worship Center (WC) and the placing of the Time Capsule found at the right side of the main entrance of the Worship Center with the marble marker inscription “ St. Francis de Sales established in 1866, Time Capsule 1991-2016”. Many of you were here for that event. Fr. Tom Phillips was Pastor. Many hours of planning and labor went into the building of our current Center of Parish life. The WC has witnessed many beautiful prayerful moments in the previous 25 years. Outstanding liturgies, magnificent music and pageantry were found here to guide our Faith Journey. The architectural design has contributed to intimate, yet open community services. SFDS parishioners have much to be proud of and thankful for with the opportunity to worship here. The addition of the side chapel in 2005 has also increased access to quiet meditation.
We could not find a listing of items placed in the capsule in 1991, so we will all be surprised when it is opened on Sept 17th after the 5 pm Mass. Plan to join us for another Jubilee Year Celebration ceremony. In the meantime, the Jubilee Committee members are gathering items to place back in the Capsule with the added plaque “ 2nd Time Capsule 2016-2041”.
Come join us for the replacement of the new time capsule filled with the past 25 years of our Caring Community growth and accomplishments. If you have any items to contribute to new time capsule please contact me, Sally Raphel (smraphel@gmail.com or 410-935-2035).
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