Jubilee – The People of St Francis Remember Part V

The People of St Francis Remember Part V

PARISH ACTIVITIES: Usher for years, assisted in assembly of Quonset Hut, restoration of Stone Chapel and Worship Center, Eucharist Ministers, monthly altar flowers, sodality, church dinners; Fundraising Committee, started Parish Bingo, donated first Hand Bells in mother’s name, 125th Anniversary Cookbook ; My father started first choir, Organist, Teller for envelopes, Liturgy Committee, Fun Committee, Worked in Parish Office for 7 years; Bingo chairperson for 5 years, ran homeless shelter, Parish Council for 8 years; Eucharistic Minister, Greeter, Picnic Chair, Organized breakfasts & dinners, Usher, Knights of Columbus; Taught Sunday school 14 years, Quonset Hut Dinners, visits to Lorian, Eucharistic Minister, Cleaned the Chapel, Aide for First Communion; Team taught CCD from 1970’s, Eucharistic ministers, Parish Council, Development committee, 1st capital campaign, Pre-Cana, lector, 1981 put together first parish picnic/bazaar, advisor to Fr. Wolfe prior to Parish Council; Director of Liturgy & music– 5 Choirs and instruments for 20+ years; Catechist 2nd grade since 1978,  parish office manager since 1982, Resurrection choir, Eucharist Minister, visiting sick and home bound, senior members events; Have seen K of C grow from 30 to 260 members, Bingo-20 year celebration; Nancy played organ prior to 1955, leader for children’s choir, got truckloads of watermelons for church picnics, helped cut down trees to clear for parking lot in 1958; Lector, CCD- 6th grade, RCIA, St. Vincent de Paul, homeless shelter, Bible studies, Liturgy & environment, Disciples in Reflection group, K of C.; Involved in all parish ones except outreach, pro-temp parish administrator 2006 for 6 months; Quonset hut & Kilduff Hall chicken dinners, early sodality and Choir; Taught middle school religious education, 4th grade confirmation, Bingo, RCIA, Nursing home visitations, Music ministry since 1995, daughter also since she was 14; NCYC being with friends, met amazing friends, felt warm; adults take us as one of their own. Vacation bible school volunteer for 6 years, assisted Diane & in pre-school, bingo, shadow players, music ministry, choir/instruments, parish office greeter, youth stations of cross, altar servers, and cantors.



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