Jubilee Update: Get Ready!! Great year-long celebration coming your way!

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Get Ready!! Great year-long celebration coming your way!

Fact I: The 150th anniversary of the First mass in “The Church on the Hill” or Stone Chapel, December 25, 1866 at 5 am is the centerpiece of our parish history.

The We Are St Francis Jubilee year will officially begin with Mass January 24, 2016 the Feast of St. Francis de Sales in the Worship Center. In the following months of 2016 culminating January 22, 2017, there will be many parish activities, events and reminders of our rich and varied development over a century and half: being a Mission Church, designation as a parish 50 years ago, the opening of the Worship Center 25 years ago, multiple expansions of buildings/programs and refinement of our vision and commitment to the people of our community. Remembering God calls us to be a welcoming, worshiping, caring community of faith, hope and love. Save the dates for a year of reflection on our past, focus on our present and visions for our future.

Check future bulletins and with Jubilee Committee Members: Susan Gallagher, Sylvia Brokos, Stasia Baier, John Fisher, Kathy Glover, Nikki Gorski, Rob Hardy, Iris Hernandez, Diane Lewis , Julie Lindner, Alice Long, Elizabeth McFadden, Mary Ann Palmer, Erin Perkins, Patrick Perkins, Sally Raphel, Angie Rebbert, Mary Rose, Deacon Jim Sullivan, Brennan Traube, Ray Traube, Carolyn Webster or Tami Zavislan for updates and ways to actively participate.

Remember We are Saint Francis Faith Community and have a lot to celebrate!!