Dear Friends:
Our first reading today is from Daniel 12:1 – 3. Daniel is a very special Prophet from the Old Testament. One of the most interesting things about Daniel is that he is a very young boy. Yet this young man has the wisdom of someone five or six times his age. God has given him a wonderful gift and Daniel uses it to the best of his ability.
The reading is a little confusing. What it actually means is that many of those who have fallen asleep (died) shall be rewarded. Others who were perhaps not such good people while they were alive will be in everlasting horror and disgrace. The wise, those who have led good lives, shall lead many to eternal reward. And they shall shine like stars forever.
The challenge in this reading, of course, is that each one of us is chosen to be an evangelist. The Lord has called us to spread his good news to the people of God. That can be done in many ways. Sometimes all it takes is to live a life that makes other people wonder what you have been up to.
Perhaps today is a good day to ask the Lord to show us how he wants us to lead his people to holiness. Maybe God is calling you to do some special work. Do not be afraid. The Lord will guide you where you need to go and show you what to do. We only need to agree to do it.
Peace and All Good!
Deacon Jim
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