Catechism Corner by Chris Brooks

Today we celebrate the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. In Saint Matthew’s Gospel (22:1-14), we read of Jesus telling more parables to Jewish chief priests and elders. Here, Our Lord gives the Parable of the Wedding Feast. Once again, He was trying to teach the faithless and doubtful that God, like the king in the parable, is calling them to receive many blessings.

How great will our joy be in heaven, when all the goodness of God is manifest in front of us. The communion of saints is waiting to welcome more holy people into their numbers. It is our choice to accept the invitation through discipleship.

But to those who refuse to cooperate with God in His plan of salvation, time is of the essence. This is why we preach and live as Christians, to help Jesus prepare the world for heaven. Some will accept, and others will refuse. But we must persevere in faith until the day we see God face to face.

The Catechism teaches us:

1027 This mystery of blessed communion with God and all who are in Christ is beyond all understanding and description. Scripture speaks of it in images: life, light, peace, wedding feast, wine of the kingdom, the Father’s house, the heavenly Jerusalem, paradise: “no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.”