Dear Friends,
This weekend, the Christmas season concludes with the Feast of the Lord’s Baptism. As we hear the story of the Lord’s baptism in the river Jordan, we naturally recall our own baptism when the seeds of faith were implanted in our souls. Let us pray this weekend that we never take for granted the gift of our faith, but through a life of daily prayer and celebration of the sacraments, nurture the divine life within us.
Regrettably, with the spread of the Omicron variant of the COVID virus, parish programs and ministries have transitioned to a virtual mode and social events have been canceled for the month of January. Everyone is STRONGLY encouraged to wear face masks while in attendance at Masses. This doesn’t only protect you; it protects your fellow parishioners as well. The choir and various music ensembles have been suspended for the month of January. Hopefully, these restrictions can be lifted within a month’s time. Please pray for those who have lost a loved one to the pandemic and especially for the front-line medical personnel, many of whom are exhausted from this terrible ordeal.
Please keep in your prayers the repose of the soul of Mary Dittus, whose Mass of Christian Burial took place at Prince of Peace this past Tuesday. Among her survivors is her husband, John Dittus. May she rest in peace!
Have a Good Week!
Msgr. Woy
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