“Marian Month”
“Always carry a rosary in your purse.” That was the advice given to me by my grandmother, and that is what I have always done ever since. “You never know when you might need it,” she told me. And, boy, was she right.
I needed it the night that my sister was taken in for emergency surgery. I needed it the day that my husband and I had to drive to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore where they were taking our six-year-old daughter via helicopter. I needed it the day that my nephew was born with complications from a difficult birth. And, in truth, I need it every day. I need to have the reassurance that the power of that prayer is right beside me, ready to go whenever I am.
We often think of May as the month of our Blessed Mother, but October has also been specially set aside to honor Mary. That is partly because the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated on October 7th.
Additionally, on October 13, 1917, Mary made her final appearance to the three children in Fatima, Portugal. During those appearances, Mary urged the children and all people to pray the rosary for world peace and the conversion of sinners.
It only takes 15 minutes to pray the entire rosary. It is a meditative prayer where we keep our hands busy with the beads; we keep our mouths busy with the words of the memorized prayers; and we keep our minds busy reflecting on the “mysteries” (events in the lives of Jesus and Mary). If we don’t have 15 minutes, we can always just pray for one decade. And if you don’t know how to pray the rosary, you can google it!
My grandmother always gave me good advice, and so does our Blessed Mother in heaven. And they both agree that the rosary is the way to go. I have felt its power and its peace. Let us honor our Blessed Mother during this month dedicated to her by praying the rosary, just as she asked.
– Kathleen Foehrkolb
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