Lent  At The Pastorate by Patrick Perkins

We have just begun our Lenten journey and the experience will be as varied as the people in our pastorate.  Some of us will be excited as to how well our Lent is going, while others are already counting the days until it is over. Still, others have not even begun their journey and maybe never will do so. However, for most of us, we are somewhere in the middle, satisfied with our journey one day and disappointed the next day. 

Being a “cradle” Roman Catholic, I lived through over 50 years of Lents.  Every winter into spring it awaits us with the same theme of repentance through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  Yet each Lent is unique in its impact on our lives.

As different as each Lent is, so are the ways each of us goes through the season.  Our pastorate has many options available to lead our parish family through this season of Lent.

If you seek quiet time with the Lord, Adoration is available to you every Friday evening from 6 to 7 p.m. at both parishes. There is also adoration at St. Francis de Sales every first Friday of the month from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., and on the first Sunday of each month immediately following the 9:30 a.m. mass at Prince of Peace.  However, if you prefer quiet outdoor contemplation you can pray the Stone Rosary located in the ground outside of the Parish Hall at Prince of Peace church or you can walk the Prayer Labyrinth or Stations of the Cross in the Woods by St. Francis de Sales.

Traditional Stations of the Cross are held every Friday during Lent at both parishes at 7 p.m. in the Main Churches and at Noon in St. Francis de Sales’ Stone Chapel.

At every Pastorate mass on March 9th and 10th, Bishop Bruce Lewandowski will deliver the Homily, as well as lead us through our Lenten Mission at 7 p.m. on Saturday in Spanish, Sunday at St. Francis de Sales in the Main Church, and Monday at 7 p.m. at Prince of Peace. In the church, followed by a reception in the Parish Hall.

For a night of food, fellowship, and faith sharing, the series, “Jesus And The Eucharist” will be held Wednesdays, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  We will alternate between the two churches in our pastorate:  February 21st  and March 6th  at St. Francis de Sales in Kilduff Hall, and February 28 and March 20th at Prince of Peace’s Parish Hall.

The “Little Black Lenten Prayer Books” are available at no cost in both churches.  Please feel free to take one home after mass.

If you wish to give your time and energy to be part of the Pastorate’s commitment to assist the needy, you can donate non-perishable food items, make a monetary contribution to either church’s Poor Box, or volunteer at either or both parishes’ food distribution.

Let this Lenten season change your life. Please join us as our Pastorate journeys together. We warmly welcome you.


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