Jubilee – Nov. 7 & 8

From time to time we hear our Pastor or Deacon speak of the financial needs of the parish. A glimpse of history and money matters is found in the Seating Plan of St Francis for the Stone Chapel (July 1946). Annual Rental of Pews in Stone Chapel was listed as follows: 6 front Pews—Middle or Side Aisles $4.00 per seat per year; 5 Rear Pews– Middle or Side Aisles $3.00 per seat per year.
You may know or have heard of some of the names. 1st Pews Across Mrs. Mimika Frith (2) and Mrs. Robert Cassilly (2); 2nd Dr. Timothy Callahan; Mr. John T. Fitzpatrick; Col. C. B. Jarrett; Mr. Wm T. Powers 3rd Mr. Jeremiah Sullivan; Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler; Mr. Lester J. Smith; 4th Mrs. Nelson Callahan Smith; Mr. Charles L. King & Mr. Thomas J. Greene, Sr.; Mrs. Annie Lynch; Mr. John T. Creaghan; 5th Mr. Dennis Fitzpatrick; Mrs. Arthur Magness; Mr. Howard McComas(2); Mrs. Florence Burnett; Mrs. T. j. Leight: Mr. Joseph Krumel; Mrs. Charles P. Clark; 6th Pews across Mr. Cyril Ketras; Mr. Neil Callahan; ; Mrs. Albert Jersey; 9th Pew Mrs. Joseph Soule (2); Mr. Joseph Babka.
Moving ahead to 1966 according to the Centenial book, St. Francis Church was “supported by the voluntary offerings of its people through the regular use of the weekly envelopes mailed to parishioners. There were no fundraising affairs. Fast forward to the present and there are numerous fundraising activities, envelopes, electronic payments etc. St. Francis de Sales has been built and sustained through the dedicated goodwill of its people.