Jubilee: The Jubilee Committee of SFDS

Over the course of the past several years, a group of hard working and dedicated parishioners have been committed to making sure this Jubilee Year of Saint Francis de Sales Parish has been a year to remember. The Jubilee Planning Committee has been meeting monthly since early spring of 2014.

While our numbers have increased and decreased over time as needed, there are several key members of the group who should be recognized. The committee has been chaired by Patrick Perkins whose insight has been instrumental in the planning and execution of all of the Jubilee events.   Patrick has been a true leader in sharing his vision for the year with the committee and motivating his fellow members to plan and achieve great things through example and a shared purpose. Each one of our members has contributed to the success of the committee. In particular, one member needs to be recognized. A great deal of debt and gratitude should be given to Sally Raphel. Sally has been the champion of the Jubilee Anniversary video which documents the history of the parish and contains interviews of key parishioners and staff. Sally also coordinated the recovery of the St. Francis de Sales Relic and its instillation in the Worship Center place of prominence, the unearthing and rededication of our Parish’s time capsule which took place in September of this year. This was truly an historic event. Sally, along with Patrick and the Shadow Players, also coordinated “The Spirits of Saint Francis,” which brought to life the stories of historical families from our parish. As we enter the final months of our Jubilee Year celebration, please join me in thanking all of the members of the Jubilee Committee who have worked so diligently to make this Jubilee Year so special for all of our parishioners…. And as always remember…WE ARE SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES!!!


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