Dear Friends:
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. The Gospel of Luke 2:41–52 tells a story of Jesus being lost for three days. Jesus is 12. The family went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. In those days, people traveled in caravans. It was not unusual for a person to travel with members of their extended family. This is where Joseph and Mary thought Jesus was as they were returning from Jerusalem.
As they journey, they realize that Jesus is not with the caravan, and they return to Jerusalem to look for him. They are filled with worry and fear. They finally find him in the temple, talking to the elders. The elders are stunned at Jesus’ understanding of the Scriptures. Mary and Joseph approach Jesus in relief and ask him why he did this to them. Jesus answers, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
This story is important because it makes us realize that even the Holy Family had problems. They did not sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya day and night. They were not immune to normal family issues.
I think this gives us hope. If the Holy Family had problems, I think we can be sure we will have them too. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus dealt with these problems with kindness. Sometimes this will be difficult for us, but if we try, peace in the family will reign. This doesn’t mean that we should not discipline. It does mean we must always be fair, gentle, and just.
Peace and All Good!
Deacon Jim
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