From The Deacon’s Desk October 24, 2021

Dear Friends:

Our Gospel story today is from Mark 10:46 – 52. I think we are all familiar with this wonderful story of the healing and conversion Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus is blind and makes his living by begging on the side of the road. When he hears that Jesus of Nazareth is going by, he cries out repeatedly, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.” The people around him tell him to be quiet and not to bother the Master. Bartimaeus would have nothing to do with that and screamed even louder, “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.” Surprisingly enough, Jesus hears Bartimaeus’ call and tells his disciples to bring the man to him. Jesus asks him what he wants of him. The blind man says, “Master, I want to see.” Jesus tells him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” Bartimaeus could see immediately and followed Jesus.

Notice that Jesus tells him to go on his way, but as soon as Bartimaeus has his sight, he does not go his own way, he follows Jesus and his way. Bartimaeus not only received his physical sight that day, he also received the gift of faith Jesus granted him. None of this could have happened unless Bartimaeus was open to receive the gift that Jesus offered him.

What a beautiful lesson for all of us. So many times we ask God to help us with things or to grant us favors.  I wonder if we are really open to what Jesus is offering. Maybe today we could ask our Lord to open our minds and hearts to the plan Jesus has for us.  Perhaps we could ask him to show us how to implement that plan in our lives!

Peace and All Good!

Deacon Jim