From the Deacon’s Desk 7/19/2020

Dear Friends:

Today I would like to draw your attention to the second reading. It’s a reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans 8:26-27. As you can see it’s only one verse long. However, that one verse says a tremendous amount about the workings of the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us “The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes with inexpressible groanings.” What can Paul possibly be talking about? Let’s take a look at what could be going on and see if we can figure it out.

Have you ever tried to make a decision, either small or large, and can’t seem to decide on the correct decision? Then, for no reason, all of a sudden a solution comes to you. That very well may be the Holy Spirit working in our lives. This is especially true in matters of faith and morals. If we ask the Holy Spirit to intervene, he will, but sometimes the Holy Spirit intervenes without an invitation.

I have talked to many priests and deacons over the years about their vocations. Most of them will tell you the Holy Spirit had a hand in helping them make a decision. I for one struggled greatly for years as to whether I really had a vocation to the diaconate. It was a decision that weighed heavily on my mind. One day I said to the Lord “if you want me to become a deacon you’re going to have to give me a solid indication.” Not long after that a number of events fell into place that would lead me to ordination as a Deacon in the Roman Catholic Church. Those “inexpressible groanings” Paul talks about today became evident to me in the process.

My dear friends try to be open and listen for the Holy Spirit in your faith and life! You might be surprised at what you hear!

Let us pray this week that the Holy Spirit will guide us to what we need to do to help each other

understand the feelings of those around us. To guide us  in a proper and loving way to act the way the

Holy Spirit would like us to act.


Peace and All Good!

Deacon Jim