From the Deacon’s Desk 5/31/2020

Dear Friends:

Today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. In the first reading we hear from Luke’s Acts of the Apostles 2: 1–11. Luke depicts what happened 50 days after Easter. “And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were.” If you remember when God spoke to the people of ancient times, there was always wind, fire, thunder and lightning! Other people heard the commotion and came to where the Apostles were. The Apostles were from Galilee and yet people of all nationalities could understand them perfectly when they spoke. The Holy Spirit was certainly doing the work God the Father prescribed. Our reading of the Gospel comes from John 20:19–23. In this reading the Holy Spirit comes to the disciples Easter night. After Jesus appeared to his disciples he wished them peace and sent them saying “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

Actually, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were with the Apostles, disciples of Jesus, and the people of God since the beginning. They just didn’t have a clear understanding of the Trinity. Throughout the Scriptures we hear about the Trinity regularly. However, it is confusing because the church does not give us a clear explanation until approximately the year 300 AD.

Aren’t we lucky? Many of the things that people (since the beginning of creation) have struggled with have been explained for us by Holy Mother the Church. We have the benefit of over 2000 years of study, research and insight to guide us. Still many of us struggle with understanding God, his Son and the Holy Spirit.

My dear friends, pray every day that you will understand more clearly what God wants from you during your life here on earth. Pray that he will give you the enlightenment you need to become closer to him. Ask the Holy Trinity to guide you in your daily life. Oh, and while you’re at it, pray for your brothers and sisters to understand too!

Please continue to pray for all those who are suffering from the effects of the Corona Virus. Those who are dying or are very ill or care for those souls. Pray that the world’s economy will recover so those who are poor will not struggle even more than they usually do. Pray that the Lord will take this trial from our world soon!

Peace and All Good!

Deacon Jim


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