Dear Friends:
I cannot believe we are already in the second week of Advent. Christmas is only 15 days away! Today we hear from the Gospel of Mark 1:1-8, the very beginning of Mark’s Gospel. It’s interesting to note that in these few verses Mark takes us from Isaiah the prophet to Baptism. John the Baptist plays a very important part as the precursor of Jesus. Notice the way John is dressed. He’s wearing clothes that would be worn in Old Testament times. His food is what people would eat in the past also. Is it possible that Mark is trying to connect the Old and New Testament? I believe that is exactly what’s happening here.
Mark is talking to an almost exclusive Jewish audience. He wants them to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. In order to make that more acceptable he quotes Isaiah and portrays John the Baptist as an Old Testament figure. This gives credence that Jesus is no fly-by-night new evangelizer; John the Baptist is the precursor of Jesus himself.
What can we gather from this Gospel? I think it’s a strong message to us, as it was to those who came before us, that Jesus is truly the Son of God who came to this earth to give us new life. He came to affirm to each one of us that there is life after earthly death, and there is always hope even in our darkest moments. Listen to Isaiah and John; then we will know what it means to be baptized with the Holy Spirit!
Peace and All Good!
Deacon Jim
As I write this I find we are regressing rather than progressing as we live in the clutches of the corona virus. We MUST pray harder that the Lord will relieve our suffering soon. There is so much to ask the Lord to help us with. Let’s start today increasing our prayer and petitions for his help!
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