Dear Friends,
We have begun the discipline of Lent! Four days down, 36 to go! We had nice crowds at the Ash Wednesday Masses. Lent is a time for us to return to the basics of our faith. To honestly look at our lives and admit where we have missed the mark in following the gospel way of Jesus.
Here are some practical suggestions for observing this holy season: Attend a daily Mass throughout the week; go to confession at least once before Easter; pray the Stations of the Cross-privately or with a group every Friday at 7 pm in the church; fast (give up something we enjoy). When we yearn or hunger for something, it is to be a reminder that our ultimate hunger is for God; give alms – give to a charity that helps the less fortunate. Don’t forget to pick up in the narthex a copy of Bishop Robert Barron’s gospel reflections for Lent.
Information Table (SFDS): There is now an information table in the narthex staffed by members of the Pastoral Council and parish staff. Available are Mass cards, registration materials, etc., served with a smile and a helping hand to offer information about the parish.
Annual Catholic Ministry Campaign: Many thanks for your support of this annual appeal in support of the pastoral and spiritual work of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. If you have yet to make a gift, you will find giving envelopes in the pews. You may also give a gift online at The website also has a very good explanation of those who benefit from the appeal.
SYNOD 2021-23: Listening sessions begin this week for our parishes’ participation in the Church’s Global Synod. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it is hoped that these sessions will provide an opportunity for respectful and thoughtful sharing and discussion about the church – both the worldwide Church and our own parishes. This is a wonderful opportunity to not only share our experiences as Catholics but to raise the hopes and concerns we have about our Church and its mission to the world and our community. I hope young families will participate in the synod. I am anxious to hear from families on how our parishes can better serve them. You will find times and registration for the sessions on the parishes’ websites.
Have a Good Week!
Msgr. Woy
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