A Moment with Msgr. Woy 2/13/22

Dear Friends,

Today is World Marriage Day, which occurs every second Sunday of February. World Marriage Day honors the lifelong commitment of a husband and wife. A blessing for married couples will be offered at all weekend Masses. Beginning next month, married couples celebrating a wedding anniversary each month will be offered the opportunity to renew their wedding vows after weekend Masses on the second Sunday of each month.

Every parish is a legal corporation in the state of Maryland. The parish corporation is the legal vehicle for managing the affairs of the parish and for establishing specific legal accountability for those affairs. There is a “Board of Corporators” for each parish,    consisting of five directors or corporators: the Archbishop of Baltimore (President); the Vicar General of the Archdiocese (Vice-President); the Pastor/Administrator (Secretary-Treasurer); and two lay members of the parish appointed by the Archbishop. Recently, Archbishop Lori appointed a new corporator for each parish: Prince of Peace – Bob Hickey; and St. Francis de Sales – Mike Walsh. I want to thank Bob and Mike for their willingness to serve for a 5-year term. The other lay corporators are Bill Dousa (POP); William Bankert (SFDS). 

Synod 2021-2023: Pope Francis is conducting the biggest “listening session” in history by calling a    global synod of the    Catholic Church. Synod is a Greek word meaning “journeying together.” It is an opportunity for you to gather and talk about your relationship with the Church and give feedback on moving forward. We will be holding “Listening Sessions” in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more information,    including session dates and times. 

It’s not too early to be thinking about Lent, with Ash Wednesday (March 2nd) just over two weeks away. Shortly, each household will receive a mailing detailing the upcoming Lenten schedule. Be sure to make time to participate in our Lenten Mission with Fr. Kevin Ewing, April 3rd through April 6th.

It’s that time of year once more!!!  I will be speaking at all Masses the weekend of February 26/27, asking for your support of the Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries. This appeal supports and makes possible many of the ministries of the Archdiocese which have no way to support themselves, like Catholic Charities, St. Vincent DePaul Society, hospital chaplains, college campus ministries, respect life ministry, chaplains for penal institutions, and the training of future priests, to name just a few. Funds are not used for any purpose other than those stipulated in the Appeal Spending Plan. Every parish receives a rebate for every dollar donated by a parishioner. This year’s rebate will be used to update the parishes’ website. Please prayerfully consider a gift to the Appeal over the next week.

Have a Good Week!

Msgr. Woy


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