Dear Friends,
It is hard to believe that we have arrived at the end of the first month of 2022. January has been a month of virtual activity in the parish, save for the celebration of Mass and the sacraments. As the positivity rate of COVID infections continues to decline, I hope we will resume “in-person” activities and events sometime in February. We will look at the event calendar on a week-to-week basis. Stay tuned…..
Save the date for our Lenten 2022 Parish (Pastorate) Mission to take place April 3rd through 5th. The mission director (priest) will preach at all the weekend Masses on April 2nd and 3rd and then offer a time of prayer and reflection in the church each evening (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) at 7:00 pm. Stay tuned for further details.
Next weekend, after Masses (SFDS), Father Maurice Wolfe Council Knights of Columbus will be holding a Tootsie Roll Campaign. Proceeds help support children with special needs. Please support this worthwhile cause.
Please keep in your prayers the repose of the soul of Susan Mariano, whose funeral will be on Saturday (Feb. 5). She is survived by her family, including her husband of 58 years, Tom. May she rest in peace.
Have a Good Week!
Msgr. Woy
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