Twenty-Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time
September 21-22, 2019
In today’s gospel, we hear about a steward who will be required to give an account of his stewardship. So, the first question we may ask is, “What is a steward?”
A steward is a person who is entrusted with the responsibility to manage the property and affairs of another person or organization.
The next question may be, “What does this have to do with me?”
God has entrusted each of us with certain resources and talents. He has blessed us with the gift of life. He has given us the ability to achieve certain educational, financial, and professional goals. But, God’s blessings are not just for us to keep to ourselves. He entrusts us with these resources, gifts, and talents with the expectation that we will use them in ways that promote the well-being of others and the spread of his kingdom. We are the stewards of God’s property and affairs.
So, the final question must be, “What can we do to responsibly manage the affairs which God has entrusted to us?”
This is a very personal question that requires a certain amount of reflection and prayer. Maybe we can begin by making a list of our blessings. Once we realize the generous abundance with which we have been blessed, we can examine that list and determine which of those blessings we can put to use for the good of others and the spread of God’s kingdom. Maybe we have a little extra time that we can devote to making a casserole for Our Daily Bread or helping an elderly neighbor with their chores. Maybe we have a talent for building things that could be put to use with Habitat for Humanity. Maybe we could find a better way to manage our finances so as to contribute on a regular basis to an organization who assists the less-fortunate. We are so blessed – the ways that we can be good stewards are as limitless as the scope of our imaginations!
So, let’s get to work – because like the steward in today’s gospel, one day we will be called to give an account of our stewardship.
Kathleen Foehrkolb
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