Weekly Reflection 5/26/19


Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 25-26, 2019

 “…for the glory of God gave it light.”

            What does light do for us?  It banishes fear by allowing us to see what is there and not there.  It lifts our spirits.  It warms us inside and out.  It makes things grow – like lovely flowers and the food we need to sustain us.

            In the beginning, God created the sun and the moon to give us light.  But, in today’s reading from Revelation, we are told that the new Jerusalem will not need the sun or moon to shine on it because the glory of God will give it light. 

            The glory of God outshines the sun and the moon.  Imagine that!  The glory of God is bright enough to banish our fear, lift our spirits, warm us inside and out, and produce every good thing for us.  Just dwelling in the glory of God is really all that we need.

            Jesus tells us in today’s gospel that if we love him and keep his word, he and his Father will come to us and make their dwelling with us.  We come to Mass to grow in our love for God and to hear and respond to his word.  We receive Jesus in Holy Communion.  The promise of the gospel is kept – God dwells with us and within us.  His glory is shining from within each of us. 

            We are sent forth to carry that light to all of the world.  We are sent forth to banish fear, to lift the spirits of those who are down, to warm the hearts that have grown cold from suffering and loneliness, to bring beauty and sustenance to everyone we encounter.  It’s a tall order.  But, if we love God and keep his word, there really is no way to hold back the light of his glory.  We will shine for all to see.


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