Weekly Reflection 03/28/2021



Let us picture ourselves there – see it with our own eyes; hear it with our own ears; feel it in the depth of our being; let us walk through Holy Week with Jesus.

SUNDAY:  Jesus riding on a donkey; palm branches being waved in his honor; shouts of “Hosanna!” – welcomed….honored….rejoicing….triumph

MONDAY:  Dinner at a friend’s house; Jesus is the guest of honor; a woman anoints Jesus’ feet with expensive, perfumed oil; a disagreement with Judas–relaxed….accepted….valued….trouble brewing

TUESDAY:  Jesus talks about his impending death; God the Father speaks from heaven; Jesus continues to teach & encourage others– troubled….reassured….focused….resolute

WEDNESDAY:  Jesus predicts to the apostles that one of them will betray him – anxiety….disbelief….last chance….betrayal

THURSDAY:  A towel tied around Jesus’ waist; washing the disciples’ feet; bread and wine transformed; “Do this in memory of me.” – humility….service….role model….total self-giving….last request

FRIDAY:  Peter’s denial; whips; thorns; “Crucify him!”; dice; “Behold your mother.”; “It is finished.”; a lance in his side; blood and water; burial – abandonment….agony….humiliation


SATURDAY:  His followers in hiding; discussing his words and teachings – fear….uncertainty….remembering….wondering….waiting