Weekly Reflect6ion 9/29/19


Twenty-Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time

September 28-29, 2019

     October is right around the corner. Fall has always been my favorite time of year – the colorful leaves, the brisk nights and warm days, autumn butternut soup at Panera and yes, pumpkin spice everything!

     It is also a nostalgic time for me. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, a/k/a Our Lady of Pompei is October 7th. I have fond memories of walking in our parish/school procession through the streets of Highlandtown, attending the solemn high Mass, followed by the parish festival and eating meatball sandwiches and fried dough. This was always a time to catch up with friends, parishioners and former classmates.

     Part of walking in the procession was praying the rosary – something we did every day in school after lunch. We prayed the rosary in front of the entire neighborhood, never ashamed of showing others the need for prayer and devotion to the Blessed Mother.

     Our world today is filled with so many evil things, that it is difficult to understand how we can withstand it. At those times I am reassured by the knowledge that the Blessed Mother was given the power to crush Satan’s head and evil. In Genesis 3:15 there is reference to a woman crushing the evil in the world. This is also repeated in Revelation 12:17. While Jesus hung on the cross, we hear Him turning the church (which now becomes our mother) over to His mother and John the youngest apostle – John 19:25-26. Mary, as the mother of all and by her holiness, is our strength and protection against evil (Satan) in this world.

     We cannot just talk about how we feel with what is happening in the world. We must act! We must pray! And there is no better prayer than the rosary. We need to pray the rosary every day – not just for the month of October but everyday of the year.

                                                                                                                                                                                               -Angela Rebbert




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