From the Deacon’s Desk 9/27/2020

Dear Friends:

Today Matthew’s Gospel is from 21:28-32. It’s a story about a father who asks his sons to go to work in his vineyard. The first son refuses to go but afterwards changes his mind and complies with his father’s wishes. The other son readily agrees to go to work in the vineyard but does not go. Jesus asks the Jewish leadership who they feel did what the father wanted. They answer the first. This Gospel is a little confusing. What is Jesus trying to say?

Jewish leadership has really been bearing down on Jesus, trying more and more to find fault with him to show the world that he is a fraud. Actually, all Jesus is trying to do is to show the people where the truth lies. The Jewish leadership would not allow for someone like a lowly Gentile, tax collector or prostitute to change their ways. In their minds, if you are one of those people, there was no hope for you. You could never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus is trying to show that people can indeed change. That maybe those who do not “belong” might have a chance on “entering the kingdom of heaven.”  The Jewish leadership would have a hard time accepting that tax collectors, prostitutes and Gentiles might have a place with God. Their failure to accept people, and the fact that they might be good people, is beyond what they can handle!

How very sad this is! Let us all ask the Lord to help us to see beyond the norm and to look deeper into what God wants for us and how God wants us to treat those who are different from us!

Peace and All Good!

Deacon Jim


Next Saturday Oct 3rd, we will have the blessing of animals at the Gazeebo (Main Church) at 10:00 AM. All animals and humans are welcome. Please be responsible for the safety of all by following the Corona Virus rules and keeping control of your pet. See you then!


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