From the Deacon’s Desk 6/21/2020

Dear Friends:

We have been in Ordinary Time since the day after Pentecost. However, we probably didn’t notice because we’ve been celebrating a number of Solemnities since then. While the name of the season implies that nothing is really happening, nothing could be further from the truth. We will hear more about Jesus’ miracles and the wonderful things he does for people. We will also be hearing a lot from Matthew’s Gospel over the next few months. Matthew is one of the more earthy Gospels. While Jesus is definitely man and God at the same time, we see in Matthew’s Gospel a very human Jesus. He will struggle with life in general. This is a great gift to us as we can see that Jesus suffered just as we do in everyday life.

Today’s Gospel reading is from Matthew 10:26-33. Jesus is telling his disciples not to be afraid as they go out to minister among the people of God. He encourages them to speak under all circumstances and tell what they have learned from him. Jesus makes it quite clear that God is always aware of what is happening in his creation. He even knows when a lowly sparrow falls to the ground.

Just think for a minute about what that means. If God knows when a simple little bird dies, can you imagine how aware he is of our lives and what is happening in them. That is why it is so important for us to tell people about our faith, about our God, about our church and about our mission in the world. Jesus tells us many times:  do not be afraid. Perhaps this is a good Gospel for us to read. It can remind us of how great God is and how much he cares about us!

Pray that the Corona Virus will truly be taken from our midst and not just be in hiding. Pray for those who are still suffering from it’s effects!

Peace and All Good!

Deacon Jim