From the Deacon’s Desk 12/27/2020

Dear Friends:

Today is the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We hear from Luke’s Gospel 2: 22-40 the story of Jesus being presented in the temple as was the Jewish custom of his time. Simeon, the priest on duty that day, recognizes immediately who has come to the Temple for presentation. He predicts that this child is special and is “destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel.” As a further testimony of who Jesus is, Luke tells us that there is a prophetess, Anna, in the temple too. Anna was an elderly lady who spent all of her days and nights in the temple in fasting and prayer after her husband died. When Jesus arrives, she comes forward, gives thanks to God and tells how the child was sent to all waiting redemption in Jerusalem.

The faith of these two Old Testament figures is really something for us to think about on this special day. Is our faith as strong as Simeon’s and Anna’s? Is our faith as strong as Abraham’s?  (See Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3 the 1st reading today). Sure, they had questions about what God had in store for them. I assure you they doubted many times their mission in life. From that moment forward they did not doubt any longer. Did they question God? I’m sure they did. But when push came to shove, they believed!

Let us all take a look at our own faith journey and ask ourselves if we truly believe what we say we believe. Are we living the way Jesus wants us too? Are we a testament to the Holy Family in our everyday lives?

Peace and All Good!

Deacon Jim