Dear Friends:
I’d like to bring your attention to the first reading from today. It’s from Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31. When I read this, I was really intrigued by the way the writer addresses how women should be treated. As we all know, in ancient times women were treated as property. This particular writing comes from instructions given to a King Lemuel by his mother. In our lectionary today, she warns him about drinking and asks him to serve the poor and watch out for the needy. She then warns him about wasting time and money on women who are not worthy, thereby encouraging him to look for a good woman who has the attributes she lists in our reading.
As the book of Proverbs was written so many hundreds of years ago, it is refreshing to see that many good women still claim the attributes listed. I think if husbands and children are truly honest they will admit that moms and wives like this are certainly a treasure to all of us. This is important because we all learn from those around us who teach by example ways to be charitable, hard-working honest people.
Perhaps today would be a good day to thank the Lord for our moms, wives and significant others. Ask him to teach us to remember to be thankful not only to him but to those who give so much of their lives to us.
Peace and All Good!
Deacon Jim
Can you imagine our lives without moms, wives and female significant others? I know mine would be a challenge I would find hard to live with. Guys let’s not wait to tell how much we appreciate them! Do it now, today! You will be glad you did!
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