From the Deacon’s Desk 04/18/2021

Dear Friends:

During the Easter season, I’m always drawn to the story of the Road to Emmaus.  It is our gospel reading today from Luke 24:35-48. We might be surprised that Jesus’ closest followers do not recognize him. They are terrified, startled and actually thought they were seeing a ghost. We ask ourselves, “How can this be?” They had just spent about three years with Jesus. They ate with him, visited all of Galilee and beyond, woke up together, and watched him heal and cure many people along the way! You would think they would know Jesus quite well.

It isn’t until Jesus opens their minds and hearts to the Scripture that they understand exactly what happened. It isn’t until Jesus explains in words they can understand that they begin to grasp the meaning of his resurrection. They will still experience fear and doubt about what they learned while Jesus was with them. It is not until Pentecost when the Holy Spirit comes that they truly understand his mission and the mission they were recruited to do.

It’s the same with us. We need instruction and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to do the work Jesus wants us to do. Even then we may struggle. This is the reason God gave us our church. It is the church’s work on earth to teach us and grant us the wisdom to be disciples of Jesus. That is why it is so important for us to attend church regularly. It is in the writings of the Scripture that we can become closer to our Lord. It is my sincere hope that all of us will try to attend Mass on a regular basis. It is there we will learn what Jesus wants us to know.

May God bless you and your families, and may you know he is always with you.

Peace and All Good,

Deacon Jim


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