
This 2015 Christmas Day, 5 am marked the 149th anniversary of Saint Francis de Sales Church. It is with humility and excitement we move forward to our 150th anniversary with a year-long celebration beginning with 11 am Mass in the Worship Center on January 24, 2016, the feast day of our beloved Saint Francis de Sales. We have a proud past, a dynamic present and a glorious future to learn about. Remembering “We ARE the people, we ARE Saint Francis de Sales.
St. Francis told us “All through the day to lift up our hearts– but gently and to walk humbly in the truth.” He also asked us to “keep a quiet mind, a tranquil soul and a heart untroubled about many things”. What a great message to absorb this holiday season. This next year will give each of us many opportunities to support and join in different aspects of our Parish Jubilee Celebration. Opportunities will be offered by the various ministries, parish groups, such as the Outreach, Knights, Youth, Latino, Religious Education, Preschool, Music and Liturgy to grow and share in celebration. We will learn what the members sitting in the pews think about their parish how we can be partners in the vibrant mission of our Parish for many years to come, maybe another 50 or so!!
The Jubilee Committee


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