The Knights of Columbus Ladies of Council #11372 was formed in 1994, the same year the Council was instituted.
The Ladies follow the lead of the Knights in working to serve the Church, Community, Youth, Council, and Family. Being a member of the Ladies Auxiliary provides many opportunities for fun, friendship, and fellowship.
2023 – 2024 KC Ladies Officers
As with any group, new members are needed to sustain the group and its activities. Here are some FAQs on membership in the K of C Ladies!
Who can join?
No matter if your husband is a Knight or not, all women who are St. Francis de Sales parishioners and are at least 18 years old are eligible to join. $1 per month in dues are paid yearly in July.
Each year, four Officers are elected: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. We announce new officers at the End of the Year Dinner in June and Join the Knights for an installation of Officers ceremony in July
How often do we meet?
We meet once a month – on the 3rd Monday at 7:15 p.m. in Kilduff Hall at St. Francis de Sales. Typically, the meeting runs for about an hour. We normally join the Knights after the meeting for a social gathering, where food and beverages are served.
At our meetings, we discuss upcoming projects and activities, many times welcoming an outside group to come in and talk with us. Committees are formed to work on various events, and all Ladies are asked to support the activities as best they can.
What do the Ladies do?
We strive to support several groups with proceeds from our various fundraisers. Here at St. Francis, we regularly support the Youth Group, St. Francis Outreach, the Church, our sister parish in Haiti, Scouts, etc. We are also supportive of groups within our community, such as Birth Right and Anna’s House, as well as around the world by way of donations to Smile Train, and Marshall Islands interns.
Projects, Activities, and Fundraisers
From shoeboxes filled with items for our troops overseas to Easter gifts for local nursing homes to Christmas gifts for needy families, our projects come from the heart. To support many of our projects, we have several fundraisers throughout the year.
Other fundraisers in years past have included Longaberger Basket Bingo, Dinner Bingo, Wine and Beer Tasting, Jewelry Shows, and Events. We’re also known for our delicious baked goods, and we usually hold at least one bake sale each year.
Come and give us a try!
If you have any questions, contact our President, Brenda Wieczynski, at for more information.
Feel good about yourself – Be a Lady!