From the Deacon’s Desk 8/9/2020

Dear Friends:

Today we have one of my favorite readings from 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a. It’s the story of Elijah and how he meets God in a very special way in a very special place. Elijah, because he followed God’s instructions and was a prophet to the people, was being chased by those who did not want to know the true message of God. His life was in danger; if they had caught him they surely would have put him to death.

Elijah came to a cave on the mountain of Horeb. He was hiding in the cave from those who were chasing him. While he was in the cave, the Lord came to him and said “Go outside and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will be passing by.” A strong wind came shaking the mountains and crushing the rocks. Elijah thought this must be the Lord. “But the Lord was not in the wind.” Then there was an earthquake but the Lord was not there either; and finally a fire, and the Lord was not in the fire either.

As you can imagine, by now Elijah is beside himself wondering when the Lord is going to pass by. Then he heard “a tiny whispering sound.” Elijah went and stood at the mouth of the cave. He realized God had arrived.

Dear brothers and sisters, God comes to us in many different ways and through many different means. We never know when God will speak to us. It could be through a TV program, a news blog, a comic strip or even a relative or friend. Listen for the word of God, listen closely! We never know how or where or when God will speak to us!

Peace and All Good!

Deacon Jim

Continue to pray that soon the Lord will remove this trial of the Corona Virus from our midst. Do not give up. Soon it will be an item for the history books!