Dear Friends:
Today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter. This Sunday is also designated as “Divine Mercy.” The mercy that God has for us is much more profound than anything we can imagine. God’s mercy is so great that no matter how much we have sinned or what sin we have committed, God is willing to forgive us. All we need to do is ask him.
Today we hear from the Gospel of John 20:19-31. It’s the story of Jesus appearing to his apostles after his death. There is much going on in this Gospel; the most important, I think, is Jesus saying “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Jesus then breathed on them and said “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Jesus gives his apostles a commissioning. He says they are to take up his ministry where he left off. They now are enabled by the Holy Spirit to continue the work Jesus started here on earth.
My dear friends, you and I have been enabled by the Holy Spirit to do the work of the Father that Jesus started over 2000 years ago. I don’t know about you, but that gives me pause for reflection! God chose you and me to do his work here on earth. He chose plain ordinary folks like us to get his message to the people. It’s the same message God gave to the Israelites thousands of years ago. Love one another, take care of each other, help others and, most of all, forgive each other. That’s the message we are enabled to do. The Holy Spirit has enabled us; now is the time for us to do it.
Please continue to pray for all those who are suffering from this terrible virus. Pray that the Lord will remove it from our world soon!
Peace and All Good!
Deacon Jim
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