From the Deacon’s Desk 06/06/2021

Dear Friends:

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This Solemnity used to be known as Corpus Christi. As the church began to offer the blood of Christ as well as the body of Christ, the name was changed. It’s a very special Solemnity in the church. The Holy Eucharist binds us together as Catholic Christians. Only churches that enjoy Apostolic succession can claim that the bread and wine used in Mass becomes Jesus himself. What a wonderful gift we have in the Eucharist. Jesus himself is present to us in such a profound way. We are honored and privileged to have received this gift from Jesus at the Last Supper the night before he died.

The challenge, of course, is to make sure we share this gift with others. That does not mean we actually bring them the Eucharist (although that may be the case), it means that everything we do is fueled by the graces and courage we gain when we receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Body and Blood of Christ is the spiritual food we need to go out and evangelize in our world. We must make every effort to let people know what a great gift it is to be a Catholic Christian. Only then will the Eucharist we receive be doing what Jesus intended.

When we receive the body and blood of Christ, we become what we eat! We are one with Christ and he is one with us! What a wonderful gift we have in this most special Sacrament. Receive the body and blood of Christ as often as you are able! It is a very special gift of God to us. May the Lord grant you his peace and may you know he is always with you!

Bishop Lori has declared this year as the Year of the Eucharist. There are many events and opportunities to celebrate this feast all year long. The festivities have already begun here and at Prince of Peace. Be sure to check around to see what is happening today!

Peace and All Good!

Deacon Jim


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